A Multi Functions Discord Bot

🤖 Features

🎮 Minigames & Fun

Play minigames and interesting commands with the bot!

🤸‍♂️ Images & Gifs Commands

Investigating images and gifs you want!

💡 Learning

When you are chatting with forgien friends and they used the langulage that you are not understand, what will you do?CGH bot can certainly help!

With CGH bot,you can translate what they are saying to the langulage(English) which you are understand with.

Just right click on the message you want to translate (if you are mobile user, press the message until the menu appears) and choose [app] and click [translate] , then BOOM, the translation will appear after a few second!

🔨 Moderation

To help with the moderation of your server, CGH bot has some commands that can help you are your mods to moderate your server

⚙️ Logging system

By setting logging system, it will help you to know who joined/leaved your server and what channel(s) created

Slash Commands

CGH bot also offers some slash commands { / }

🔊 Soundboard

Playing sounds by joining up the voice channel and listen it!